Back to School for ISW
ISW welcomed it’s growing community of 219 students from over 30 nationalities back to school this week. It was really wonderful to see familiar faces from our returning students and to welcome our 74 new students joining our community this year.
In particular, our year one students had a wonderful experience of celebrating the German tradition of the “Schultüte” – a beautifully decorated cone filled with gifts, stationary and sweets presented by parents to their child in order celebrate the first official day of school.
We would like to especially thank our Parents & Friends Event committee, Gretchen, Susan and Kristina, for providing such a warm welcome to our new members of the community and to our staff for making this first week back so special.
Looking forward to a great school year!
#backtoschool #ISW #schultüte #iswparentsandfriends