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Dare to do … Science

Our Reception class has had the unique opportunity to engage in the learning of science in the advanced science laboratory with the Year 10 students as the student instructors. The science experiment facilitated by the Chemistry team helped to nurture an environment that fostered interest and curiosity in real-world phenomena. Utilizing red cabbage as a pH indicator to provoke curiosity and motivate our early childhood students to learn and try new things and is a fundamental attribute to the sc...

Acting Outside The Box

“Acting Outside The Box” – outside classroom offers our ISW Reception students a creative learning environment together with our Year 10 counterparts:‘In our search for solutions we often go around in circles, coming to the same conclusions again and again because we are trapped in our patterns and habits. The aim of the SBW Future Skill “Acting Outside The Box” is to enable students to question patterns of thought and behaviour and to find/devise and try out unusual solutions to pro...

ISW Cooperation with Barmer

ISW cooperation with BARMER Health Insurance: Welcome to work: Onboarding of our new ISW staff:#Skilled workers and #specialists are sought for worldwide, but hiring and employing skilled workers from abroad often presents employers with completely new questions - and not just because of the cultural differences. Hereby, finding the right health insurance plays an essential role.The International School Westpfalz recently invited Sales Consultant @Franziska Fries and Managing Director Vanessa Le...

ISW Annual sport’s Day

The day was a huge success. Many parents joined the students and teachers to cheer on all who competed in athletics and field events. A sense of competitive spirit was evident in the quest to win Champion House. The winning house for the 2023 Sports day was Einstein (White Team) who received the Champion House Cup. Congratulations to all competitors and our ISW Age Champions. A huge thank you to our parents, students and teachers for making the day such a great community event.

ISW Annual Wandertag huge success

Our ISW community met up last Sunday to enjoy the annual tradition of “Wandertag” (hike day). This is a wonderful opportunity for both new and old families to meet up, take a stroll through the wonderful Pfalzer forest and grab some delicious food. This year, three tours of differing difficulty were offered to families all leading up to the Nanstein castle ruins in Landstuhl. Once up at the castle, our P&F committee Gretchen, Susan and Kristina did an amazing job of coordinating an excellent...

Dare to do what you dream! – SBW Alpha meeting 2023

“Wage, wovon du träumst!” or in English “Dare to do what you dream” is the title of the SBW claim - a strong challenge that we as a management team are passionate about pursuing and lies at the heart of our education. The whole aspect of following our dreams was reviewed, discussed and “lived” during our spectacular SBW Alpha meeting. From the captain who gave up his career in professional ships to working on board a solar ferry on Lake Constance, providing visitors an environmental...

Back to School for ISW

ISW welcomed it’s growing community of 219 students from over 30 nationalities back to school this week. It was really wonderful to see familiar faces from our returning students and to welcome our 74 new students joining our community this year.In particular, our year one students had a wonderful experience of celebrating the German tradition of the “Schultüte” – a beautifully decorated cone filled with gifts, stationary and sweets presented by parents to their child in order celebrate...

School start 2023-2024 – ISW staff preparation week in full swing: 1st September 2023

From 29th August until 1st September all of our ISW teaching staff have been engaging in an “In Service Training” in order to prepare for the return of our students on 4th September. This gave an excellent opportunity for both new as well as returning staff members to engage in a number of collaborative workshops providing a great basis for teamwork.
Focus of the week was given to the implementation of the Cambridge International School Curriculum within the context of the Vision and Miss...

Huge welcome to Jodi Fillingame – our new School Principal at ISW

The SBW philosophy “Dare to do what you Dream” has always driven Jodi’s deep seeded values and passion as a mother, daughter, educator, leader, and mentor. It was no surprise that she was naturally drawn to the position of School Principal at the SBW International School Westpfalz in Landstuhl, Germany, coming all the way from Australia!
During her 28 years of experience in education that spans many continents, her passion as an educational leader, coach and mentor has always been to

ISW “End of year” performance

Today was a very memorable day for our ISW community in many different ways. For the first time ISW celebrated this show on our own school grounds of this wonderful former nunnery – the central square providing a perfect location for this event. Our 200 strong students provided a wonderful musical performance for their families and attendance was in abundance. Thank you to all Learning Partners for your incredible performances.
It is amazing to think that our small community of just 38 stud...